And people think I’m making the shit up about coyotes killing adult
deer,and being the reason for decline in deer herd numbers in multiple
The Lapeer County, Michigan Sheriff’s Mounted Unit announced on
Sunday that one of their horses died as a result of a predatory coyote
attack over the weekend. The horse’s owner, Lapeer County Sheriff Deputy
Kallie Meyers, had been keeping the animal in a paddock near a barn on
her property. On Sunday afternoon, a pack of five to six coyotes charged
onto Meyers’ property and managed to bring the mare down before the
owners were able to intervene by releasing their dogs on the predators.
Meyers’ dogs were eventually able to chase the pack off the property,
but the horse’s injuries from the attack were too severe and it had to
be put down.
“They came in the yard to get our horse,” Bruce Meyers wrote on Facebook.
“Within 70 feet of the house. Our dogs went to help, managed to chase
them off but one dog is chewed up, others have only a few scratches and
minor punctures.”
It was not the first time that the predators have encroached upon the
Meyers’ farm in Oxford Township. Kallie Meyers explained that coyotes
have killed several farm animals on her property in the past.
Reports of coyotes attacking large animals in broad daylight are
troubling to biologists. Coyotes are known for being shy around humans,
and usually limit their hunts to smaller animals at night. In Michigan,
it is legal to shoot or trap coyotes year-round on private property and
there is no bag limit during regular seasons. Wildlife experts noted
that humans and larger animals usually have very little to fear from
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“Reports of coyotes attacking large animals in broad daylight are troubling to biologists.”
Really? The same biologists who have
done studies that confirm eastern coyotes have a considerable amount of
wolf DNA are now finding it “troubling” that packs of ‘yotes are killing
large animals? I wonder how “troubling” they are going to find it when
the population of our deer herds crash? Or when the first young child is
attacked by a pack of ‘yotes?
I’ve made multiple posts asking deer hunters to
start shooting yotes,and letting them know that they will see fewer and
fewer deer until the ‘yote population is seriously reduced. The only
good thing I’ve noticed since the ‘yote population exploded in NE Ohio is that the feral cat population had been reduced-which is a plus-as NE Ohio deer have been found to be carrying the organism that causes toxoplasmosis-which
can ONLY be spread by cat feces,less cat shit in the woods is always a
plus,along with less of a chance of getting toxoplasmosis.
Since the wildlife biologists and the DNR/state fish and game agencies in Michigan,Ohio,Illinois,Indiana,Pa,and W.Va. don’t
seem to believe that the ‘yotes are the reason for the decline in deer
numbers,and do not seem to believe that ‘yotes are killing up to 7 out
of every 10 fawns in many areas-it’s up to deer hunters to get the ‘yote
population under control.
Most states have either no limit or very liberal limits on the number of ‘yotes you can shoot.
Fur prices are up this year,so you can more than cover your expenses-including ammo,food and gas.
The fewer ‘yotes there are in May-the
more fawns that survive-now’s the time to start reducing the ‘yote
population-the state fish and game agencies ain’t gonna help do it-so
anyone who wants to see the deer numbers stop the decline-get out there
and start takin out ‘yotes-as many as possible.
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