Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Database of Unbiased Published,Peer Reviewed GMO Studies

Biology Fortified, Inc.

GENERA is a project of Biology Fortified, Inc. (BFI), an independent non-profit organization incorporated in Middleton, Wisconsin, USA. The Atlas concept, layout, and programming was conceived, designed, and implemented by BFI, which maintains the Atlas as a free public resource. BFI is independently funded – for more information see the Funding section below.


The GENetic Engineering Risk Atlas started as a list of studies to show people how much research has been conducted on genetically engineered crops. We soon realized that the world needed something better than a list, so we developed GENERA to be a searchable database that would make it easier for people to find and understand the research. In the future, we plan to expand GENERA to include research on animals, fungi, microbes, and from additional sources and disciplines. Learn more about the history of the project on our History page.


Biology Fortified, Inc. is an independent tax-exempt nonprofit orgnization. The majority of financial support comes from individual personal donations, and some support comes from grants. BFI is not supported by any companies, government entities, or political parties.
In the summer of 2012, BFI won a peer-reviewed Education Foundation Grant from the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) for the proposal, “Communicating Risk with GENetic Engineering Risk Atlas (GENERA).” This $10,000 grant supports our efforts to stimulate accurate science communication, a goal shared by ASPB. However, because Biology Fortified, Inc. is independently edited, views expressed on our site might not align with all ASPB position statements and might not be supported by ASPB. The ASPB Grant provided the initial funding necessary to get the GENERA project started.
If you would like to support the GENERA project or Biology Fortified, Inc., there are many ways you can do so, including donations, custom merchandise, and more. Visit the donation page on the GENERA site, or the Support Us page on our main site to find out more.

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