Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Coming Conflict, Arms Expo, and the Anthony Bosworth Case


(First of all, my humble apologies for going without an update in so long. I hope to be much more regular with these updates once the Arms Expo is over.)
We are only a few short days from the Expo now. Seven months of preparations, seven months of planning and strategizing all come down to this weekend. It is a venture made for and by the patriots, and we are humbled to see how many people across the country are giving of their time, efforts and money to ensure its success. We are also incredibly grateful to God. Whoever thought that an event of this size could not be planned and organized by only four people simply does not understand the power of divine intervention. We know it exists…because we’ve seen it over and over during this process.
There is an event between now and the expo, however, and we await it with a quiet contemplation and—if we are honest—a little dread. On Thursday, Anthony Bosworth—one of our own—will stand again in federal court in Spokane, charged with “failure to comply with a lawful order.” While the appearance is being billed as a simple status hearing, those of us familiar with the case know it may be anything but simple.
So far, the court has refused him a trial by jury, and even refused to tell him what lawful order he failed to comply with. In reality, the facts of the case are beyond clear: He was arrested for violating a law that did not exist, by a US Marshal drunk on his own perceived authority, and his arrest was used as a pretext for intimidation, threats, and further violation of Anthony’s inherent Constitutional rights. To those who would challenge this characterization, I offer you the following questions to answer:
– Why did a federal judge need to “expand” current federal law after Anthony’s arrest if his action was already violating a law as they claim?
– Why did this judge literally “make” law, thereby stepping outside of her legal and constitutional boundaries of power?
– Why were none of the other armed citizens at the event harassed or arrested?
– Why was Anthony denied right to counsel over and over while in custody, and why was he held as a domestic terrorist, interrogated by the FBI about patriot activities and the Liberty movement?
These questions have answers, but they are difficult and hard truths. They are truths that the average American (and even some who call themselves patriots) cannot bring themselves to fathom. We must do more than fathom, however. We must accept, prepare for, and answer those truths.
Tomorrow night, Anthony Bosworth may be sitting in a federal jail cell, denied of his rights simply because he followed the Constitution. Simply because of what he believes, and what he stands for. What goes through a man’s mind in the days and hours before such a confrontation? What would go through yours?
During his interrogation the federal agent told him that his wife and children were safe…”for now.” The federal government has already shown that it has no problem putting a bullet through the head of a woman holding a baby while standing on her front porch. It has no problem mass murdering men, women and even children on US soil.  Do you really think it will not harm us if we get in its way? Do you really think that you can keep safe by staying “under the radar”, or by compliance with their tyrannical edicts?
Tomorrow a citizen will stand in front of a federal judge and uphold Liberty at all costs. Do you have that level of fortitude? Or are you going to stay home this weekend, afraid to attend an event where unconstitutional state law is violated and armed citizens stand in defiance of tyranny?
Mark Twain once said that the two most important days in your life are the day you’re born…and the day you realize why. We are born as free men and women, with a spirit that can be unbreakable, that can rise above fear and stand in spite of anything—if we only have the guts. Our forefathers bought our freedom with their blood. Let us honor that sacrifice, that precious gift. Let us carry the tradition forward and purchase Liberty for our own children and grandchildren.
The Expo offers some of the best training you will find anywhere in the country. Take advantage of it. Talk to some of the most influential minds in the Liberty movement. Develop your network. Spend some time with people who are willing to stand at all costs. You will either be energized, inspired…or you will realize that you don’t love Liberty as much as you claim.
We are standing. Today, tomorrow, and always. Stand with us.
We will not comply.
Kit Lange, LFA III%

 Via Patrick Henry Society

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