Thursday, June 25, 2015

America as a Dangerous Flailing Beast


From John Chuckman, a former chief economist for a large Canadian oil company, as posted on, with a preliminary comment from by Stucky from that site:
I like this article. Not that it has a lot of new stuff. Rather, it’s a wonderful collection of old important stuff in one place. Also, the author does not go off the deep end in histrionics as authors of such doom&gloom articles are sometimes wont to do in order to attract readers. Just a nice, reasonable approach. “Just the facts, Ma’am” …. and man, are we fucked six ways to Sunday.
America as Dangerous Flailing Beast
Despite pretty talk about “democracy” and “human rights,” U.S. leaders have become the world’s chief purveyors of chaos and death – from Vietnam through Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and many other unfortunate nations, a dangerous dilemma addressed by John Chuckman.
When I think of America’s place in the world today, the image that comes to mind is of a very large animal, perhaps a huge bull elephant or even prehistoric mammoth, which long roamed as the unchallenged king of its domain but has become trapped by its own missteps, as caught in a tar pit or some quicksand, and it is violently flailing about, making a terrifying noises in its effort to free itself and re-establish its authority.
Read the rest @

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