Friday, February 6, 2015

Connecticut Commies Introduce Anti-gun Asshattery Bill of the Year

WASHINGTON — Newtown activists on Thursday helped introduce the first gun safety bill in this Congress, officially kicking off the gun control debate on Capitol Hill.
The bill would ban large capacity ammunition clips for everyone but military members and law enforcement officers. It was introduced by Rep. Elizabeth Esty, D-5th District, in the House and Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., in the Senate.
The bill's proponents characterized the legislation as a needed safety measure, like seat belts or airbags, that would save lives, not only those threatened by a mass murderer, but also police who are often outgunned by criminals.
"This year is the first year in U.S. history that gun deaths will exceed car deaths," Esty said. "We should be ashamed."

Time to call senators and congresscritters-put aq stop to this horsepucky now-make sure it  goes nowhere.

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