Monday, February 9, 2015

Child demanding entrance to gallery captivates ‘Freedom Knocks’ activists

 Via David Codrea

“That looked like a waste of time and effort. All they did was lock the doors," an anonymous troll on the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog posted in comments underneath the text of Mike Vanderboegh’s Saturday speech at the State Capitol in Olympia. It was an obvious attempt to either diminish the significance of government officials hiding from freedom activists, or to put his own ignorance on display. That the significance of the day is lost on him is not surprising. Neither would it be surprising to learn it’s not lost, and that the anonymous put-down was as much an act of sabotage as his courage permits. That’s in character with the sadist /psychopath / infiltrator / disruptor nature of those who abuse the marvel that is the internet by attacking others from the shadows, seemingly protected from all personal repercussions but the corruption they do to their own souls.
Faith charms a WSP officer.The character of those who proudly advocate for their rights, assuming risks of condemnation and worse from lesser men, including those with power posing as greater men, was on display as activists, accompanied by politically courageous representatives Elizabeth Scott and Matt Shea, marched through the Capitol halls determined to make their voices heard, even as those who feared their message foolishly presumed locked doors could stop the signal.
While those trying to steal that to which they have no claim would not face and address fed-up constituents, they still were not able to avoid being put on notice, as demonstrators knocked firmly on massive wooden doors, and called to be let in. In a move some have likened to Martin Luther nailing his Ninety-Five Theses against clerical abuses to the church doors in Wittenburg, an act many -- who could not foresee what a transformative event that would be a catalyst for -- dismissed as extremist and insignificant, the protesters affixed their list of grievances to the House Gallery doors.

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