Monday, December 1, 2014

Remember-They Will Never Stop Trying…

Colorado panel keeps lead-based bullets

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (AP) – The chorus of voices seeking a ban on lead-based ammunition fell flat in Colorado.
The Colorado Parks and Wildlife commission voted this month not to move forward on a citizen-raised proposal to prohibit lead ammunition for big-game hunting in Colorado.
The commission killed the petition after citing a “lack of credible scientific evidence” as to the long-term impacts of spent lead to wildlife, along with a strong lack of support from the agency itself and concern about potential impacts to hunter participation.
A study by the National Shooting Sports Foundation said banning lead bullets could raise ammo prices “on average, up to 190 percent more” than the lowest-priced traditional lead bullets.
This would “decrease the ability for citizens to participate in recreational activities,” the NSSF said.
But, like the controversy over, and eventual 1991 ban of, lead shot for waterfowl hunters, the issue of getting the lead out of hunting ammo isn’t simple, nor is it going away.
The arguments for and against banning lead-based bullets are as many as the people voicing them.
The pro-ban forces gained an advantage in 2013 when California, under siege from various factors including the anti-hunting Humane Society of the U.S., banned the use of lead ammunition for all hunting purposes.
“Lead poses a danger to wildlife. This danger has been known for a long time,” California Gov. Jerry Brown said.
Studies by the Peregrine Fund, California state researchers and others say condors were exposed to lead poisoning by eating bullet fragments when scavenging dead animals shot by hunters.
Despite those and other studies, the California ban “has proven ineffective,” wrote guest columnist Susan Recce in a story earlier this year in The (Portland, Oregon) Oregonian.
“Despite a 99 percent compliance rate by hunters, researchers now admit that ‘lead exposures continue,’ and lead levels in condor blood have not dropped,” Recce wrote. “Supporters of lead ammunition bans continue to ignore alternative sources of lead in the environment as the primary cause of lead poisoning.”
What the purveyors of eco-hysteria do about facts…
However, it must be noted Recce is director of conservation, wildlife and natural resources for the National Rifle Association, a group traditionally siding with gun owners.
In a story on the National Geographic website, David Bellinger, an environmental health researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health in Massachusetts, said, “Lead’s a really bad actor, and we keep finding out that it’s worse than we thought. There’s no safe level.”
Bellinger was one of 30 scientists and public health experts signing a consensus statement in March 2013 in support of “reducing and eventually eliminating the introduction of lead into the environment from lead-based ammunition.”
These lying sacks of festering excrement will never,ever stop-they know damn well that lead from modern hunting ammo simply does not leave fragments in game-period.
They also know damn well that the lead used in modern rifle ammo is simply NOT soluble in the digestive tracts of falcons,condors and other scavengers and birds of prey.
If it was-why have bald eagles recovered to 700% of the 1970’s population?
Why aren’t hawks and owls dropping like files,why are turkey vultures-otherwise known as buzzards not on the endangered species list from lead in gut piles left by hunters?
It’s simple-the reason all these critters are doing well is because they are ingesting near ZERO lead from hunters bullets.
The dolts that fall for the propaganda,lies,half-truths and obfuscation being spewed by the purveyors of eco-hysteria do NOT think for themselves.
The believe in all the rainbows and unicorns bullshit being sold by the eco-freaks/enviro-nazis and leftover hippies who comprise the “environmental movement”
The environmental movement may as well be re-named the bowel movement-because that’s what they are selling-a load of bullshit-pure,unadulterated bullshit.
Do More PT !

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