Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Over my dead body

Rising frustration with Washington and conservative electoral victories across much of the U.S. are feeding a movement in favor of something America hasn’t done in 227 years: Hold a convention to rewrite the Constitution.
Although it’s still not likely to be successful, the effort is more serious than before: Already, more than two dozen states have called for a convention. There are two ways to change or amend the founding document. The usual method is for an adjustment to win approval from two-thirds of the Congress and then be ratified by three-quarters of the states. There have been 27 amendments adopted this way.
The second procedure is separate from Congress. It requires two-thirds of the states, or 34, to call for a convention. The framers thought this was necessary because Congress wouldn’t be likely to advance any amendments that curtailed its powers. But this recourse never has been used.


Make no mistake, a Constitutional do-over is not done with the People in mind, it’ll be done to give the government more and more power over our daily lives. Our God given Rights will not be recognized at all, hell, they’re not recognized now.
The liberals are frustrated because the people they claim to represent have seen through the facade and have decided they’re tired of the bullshit. In response, the liberals have decided that the ol’ end run around the Constitution isn’t effective, so now they want to re-write it.
How many of you, whether you served in the military or not, took a vow to defend the Constitution? The original Constitution? The only Constitution? Boys, if that notion ever gets serious, don’t look to me to tell you what to do – you know your duty. Let the good times begin…..
Please get this out. If you have a website, post it – no need to link it back to me.

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