Monday, March 2, 2015

To the Keyboard Warriors and the Facebook Commandos of Washington State


As patriots, we all make decisions every day about the fight for liberty.  Is this battle worth fighting?  Is this rally worth going to?  Should I stay home and just call legislators?  Is it all hopeless anyway?  These are decisions that no one can make for us.  The moments that we choose to stand are ours and ours alone.
Certainly in any conflict there are a hundred jobs that need doing, and people as a rule are diverse enough in personality and character that there is a place for anyone who wants to be there.  In the liberty movement and the current fight for our freedoms, this is also true.  There are those who work to influence the legislators, calling and writing and campaigning.  There are those who step forward to run for office, allowing their private lives to become public fodder in the hopes that they can work to effect change from within.  There are those who spend their time on social media, debating and educating and attempting to influence those who are further behind in their journey.  All of these jobs are important.  All of these jobs are necessary.  The loud networkers and group leaders and event planners and forum admins have a place, and what they do matters.  I do not fault them for not standing next to me on the line; on the contrary, we need those people who call and write and keep the pressure on our elected officials.  We need the people who network and man the internet radio stations and write the blog articles.
The problem is that a good number of them do fault us, for standing.  For showing up in person and staring down those who would enslave us.  For being uncompromising and refusing to back down.  For being willing to sit silently in a steel cage, facing indefinite detention while being treated like the enemy.

Read the rest @

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