Anyone who is awake to government corruption knows how frustrating it can be sitting at a social gathering while listening to everyone talk about football or Miley Cyrus’ latest twerking ploy.
Of course there is nothing wrong with pro-sports and music stars, they are a product of society and exist because people find joy in them. What is wrong, however, is that many people are consumed by these things. Society becomes distracted from real issues that actually affect their lives and conversations which can lead to positive change become taboo, while the largely controlled and focus group driven pop-culture becomes the norm.
Conversations in bars, restaurants, malls and locker rooms across the continent are all eerily similar. They vary only by their geographical location which delegates the sports teams involved in the discussion.
This denial of relevant conversations has become the norm and even designated by its own idiom, “Never talk about religion or politics.” What this idiom represents is humans refusing to explore our spirituality or question the status quo; mostly out of fear of ridicule or going against the norm.
The closest people get to contemplating the intricacies of political social order is bashing the current president. There are no challenging thoughts presented to suggest what life could be like outside of the status quo. Questioning the established order makes you an oddball, a weirdo, and an outsider.
But it doesn’t have to be like this.
Many people who are “awake” are also incredibly passionate. However, this passion can sometimes manifest into a fault.
Of course, having a passion for change is completely normal once you see the murderous, thieving mass of sociopaths who’ve seized control of nearly every aspect of your personal life. You want to go out on the rooftops and scream! This feeling is natural, it’s a reactionary display of “fight or flight.” And, in some scenarios it’s an effective way to incite change. But in most situations, it is not.
The reason society talks about pop-culture and sports all the time is because these issues are benign and comfortable. Our paradigms and world views are not challenged, and it makes us feel safe. When we see a different worldview for the first time, it frightens us. If you inform others about these hair-raising realities, and you yell at them or become angry, not only will you be shunned, but your message will be perceived as you presented it, vitriolic.
Not everyone can be the Alex Jones-esque madman, screaming into a microphone trying to shake people out of their slumber. If everyone tried to employ these same tactics of yelling at people to give them information, the liberty movement would have died out a long time ago.
Cordiality, reciprocity, sincerity, these are the tools of influence, not yelling and screaming. Only the state can use yelling and intimidation to influence others, and this is called indoctrination. It is why boot camp exists, The drill instructor method is highly effective at changing minds, but instead of freeing and opening that mind, it closes it.
Only the state can use yelling and intimidation to influence others, and this is called indoctrination. It is why boot camp exists, and why it takes weeks. The drill instructor method is highly effective at changing minds, but instead of freeing and opening a mind, it closes it.
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