Sunday, May 17, 2015

Hunting in California: Four Animals Designated Nongame, Endangered, Threatened, and Protected Species

The environazis and animal rights whackos have fully taken over Commiefornia...

California has a vibrant and diverse range of ecosystems with game animals available for hunting. There are a number of species that are excluding from hunting activities, whether one is engaging in archery, rifle, muzzleloader, or trapping. These nongame species are listed by the Department of Fish and Wildlife, at the state or federal level, as threatened, endangered, or fully protected. All hunters should familiarize themselves with the full list of protected animals that potentially inhabit the areas in which they intend to hunt.

Keep in mind that no wild animal, not even a predator, would stalk or actively threaten a hunter unless they're defending their young or feel threatened. In the event that a member of one of these protected species is encountered while hunting, the information about the sighting can be shared with the California Department of Fish and Game through the California Natural Diversity Database. Here are a few of the major critters that hunters might encounter.
Read the rest @

"Keep in mind that no wild animal, not even a predator, would stalk or actively threaten a hunter unless they're defending their young or feel threatened." 

Bullshit-data from radio collared wolves and grizzlies shows that both species actively follow hunters-it's either to eat the remains of a big game kill,or eat a hunter if he or she doesn't kill any game.
Apex predators like wolves and mountain lions were extirpated for a reason-humans can not live near any sizeable population of the critters without being attacked.
The wolf "reintroduction" clusterfuck in the greater Yellowstone area has caused the demise of what was- before wolves were reintroduced-the greatest elk herd on the planet- and decimated several other elk herds.
Mountain lions should not be a protected species in Commiefornia-they regularly attack joggers,hikers,bicycle riders,children,cats and dogs.
The animal "rights" whackos have fully infiltrated politics and California fish and game,enacting rules and regs based on emotion-not science and facts.
Once a politician's kid gets attacked it will be open season on mountain lions.

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