Friday, November 21, 2014

N.E. Ohio Whitetail Rut Winding Down

Rut activity appears to be slowing down a lot. In most years,in NE Ohio,the peak of the rut falls the second week of November. More deer are bred on or within a day or two of November 15th than at any other time during the rut.
That doesn't mean the rut is over-far from it-what it means is that the peak has passed. Deer are still being bred,does are still coming into estrous,and bucks are still trying to breed them.
The does that are in estrous are either being "tended" by a buck right now- have a buck following them everywhere,never leaving the doe's side-or have a buck-or bucks- following them. The majority of does who still have not come into estrous are going to do so this week.

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