Tuesday, September 23, 2014

More Anti-Gun Lunacy

  'Badass' Moms Take Gun Fight To NRA's Home Turf"


  Okay,stop laughing,it gets worse...

Shannon Watts, a 43-year-old former public relations executive, has launched a grassroots campaign to dislodge the NRA from its place of dominance in state houses and Congress.
"The next contender in the fight to knock the most feared lobbying association in the United States off its powerful perch is a 43-year-old former stay-at-home mother from suburban Indianapolis named Shannon Watts."

You gotta be kiddin' me!
 This author actually thinks this group of anti-gun zealots is going to have any effect at all on gun laws?
What about the fact that there are 95 million+ gun owners who are not represented by the NRA?
Is this dolt really that clueless?

 "With access to Michael Bloomberg's deep pockets and the force of more than 2 million dedicated supporters, Watts in recent months convinced the CEOs of several major U.S. companies to take a stand against guns in their stores and restaurants. "

Pure unadulterated bullshit- ONE store actually told customers no guns-Target-I notice he doesn't bother to mention the fact that Kroger told these twits to piss off.

  "It makes our moms feel like badasses to take on the most powerful lobbying organization in the country," Watts told The Huffington Post last week."

What? Bwaaahahahahahahhahahahaha.......

As useless as the NRA can be, and has been, these twits have zero chance of having any effect on any gun control efforts-there's that 95 million+ of us who are not represented by the NRA thing again...

 "The new push comes after the group lost some big fights to the NRA in confrontations that underscore the limits of the moms' brand of volunteer-led grassroots activism -- especially at the state level, where entrenched gun lobbyists have an outsized voice."

Lost "some" big fights? The truth is lost EVERY big fight .
Since when is Bloomberg's $$$$$= to "grassroots activism"?
What it actually is, is an attack on an enumerated Constitutional right.

"Lobbying disclosure records reveal that at the same time, the NRA was buying leading Missouri lawmakers lunch: $1,700 worth of food and beverages in the first half of 2014."

Yeah-I'll bet they bribed the entire state legislature with that whopping $283.33 a month. 

You can read the rest here-I gotta stop,my sides are killin' me from laughin' at the dolt who wrote this drivel.



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