The mental midgets at the Brady center are filing a lawsuit claiming the online ammo retailers who sold ammo to James Holmes,the Colorado movie theater shooter were somehow negligent.
What said mental midgets are trying to do is establish case law to support mandatory background checks for ammo purchases.
Gotta admit-this one is waaayyyy out there-even for the douchenozzles at Brady.
Even Commiefornia refused to pass a bill to make background checks for ammo purchases mandatory.
Back to suing the ammo retailers who sold ammo to Holmes-here's what the asshats claim they are suing the ammo retailers for-
“The lawsuit alleges that the websites negligently supplied Holmes
with the arsenal he used to kill 12 people and wound at least 58 others
by failing to use any screening mechanism to determine his identity or
intent for the products,”
So,the ammo retailers now supply people with arsenals?
Where can I buy an arsenal online?
How much does an arsenal cost?
Since when do a handgun,semi-auto rifle,and a pump shotgun make up an arsenal? Hell,that ain't even a good start !
Let's play Brady's game for a minute-
The "screening mechanism" for online ammo sales is that a person must state that they are of legal age,and not prohibited by law from purchasing ammo-(it's in the fine print when you purchase ammo online)-your electronic signature counts as verification,plus someone over the age of 18 must sign for the package containing ammo when delivered.
Playing Brady's game for online gun sales-every online sale must,by law,be shipped to a FFL,and a NICS check undergone and passed before the sale can be completed.
So-exactly where is the "negligence? Where is the lack of a screening procedure?
Some states like Illinois,require a FOID,or firearms owner identification card,and this must be "shown" as proof that you can legally produce ammo when purchasing online.
There are well over 100 million gun owners-we shoot billions of rounds of centerfire rifle ammo each year,billions of shotgun shells,many billions of round of rimfire ammo-like the .22LR,.22 mag,.17HMR,etc.
It is simply not possible to "screen" that many ammo purchases-period.
This is just another in a long line of idiotic lawsuits filed by anti-gun zealots who's stated goal is to ban all civilian ownership of firearms-period.
Their misguided,uninformed attempts to ban handguns failed,their misguided,uninformed attempts to ban "assault rifles" failed,so now,they are going to attempt to restrict ammo sales in yet another uninformed,misguided attempt to gain ground in their efforts to ban firearms.
This is pathetic-they need to be made to pay all legal fees and court costs,the case needs to be thrown out of court,and the Brady bunch needs to be informed-in no uncertain terms-that there will be no more restrictions on ammo sales-online or otherwise-ever.
Here's the rest of the story...
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