"Passive-aggression is among the most irksome of all human behaviors.
Most individuals I’ve conversed with about the issue agree that it is
both profoundly insulting and utterly cowardly. But why is that,
exactly? What about this behavior makes it so reprehensible?
The laws of war are instructive on the matter. Generally, it is
understood that wearing the uniform of the enemy, or clothing a
combatant in civilian dress, is a violation of the laws of war, and the
perpetrator may thus be treated as a spy. Passive-aggression operates
under a similar principle. Somebody intends to do you harm, or may even
be in the process of doing you harm. He is your enemy. And yet he
disguises his actions as a sort of non-combatant so as to avoid
retaliation. He may even pretend to be your friend.
Naturally, this is a favored tactic of the Political Left, at least
when it possesses insufficient power to work its will more directly.
Leftists are able to wear your uniform as a good, concerned, moral
citizen, and do you harm in this disguise. A Progressive might say that
he is merely concerned with accessibility of healthcare for the poor,
downtrodden folks of wherever. In truth, his main concern is personal
power. As the arbiter of wealth redistribution, he may decide who to
rob, and who to pay, and how much he might take for himself."
Read the rest here...